How to set up a VPN in Windows

How to set up a VPN in Windows When and how to use the VPN client built into Windows. VPN (virtual private network) technology lets a computer using a public internet connection join a private network by way of a secure “tunnel” between that machine and the network. This protects the data from being seen or tampered with by bad actors. The two most common use cases are consumer VPN services that allow individuals to surf privately from home or a public setting, and business-oriented solutions that allow employees to securely connect to a corporate network remotely. Now that so many people are thrust into working from home due to the coronoavirus pandemic, we’ve confirmed that this procedure is up-to-date and working as described. You may want to check out our guide on working from home as well, with tech tips and general setup considerations from our extensive personal experience in home offices. For the most part, VPN connections are handled by custom software suc...