এডোবি ফটোশপ কিবোর্ড শর্টকাট

এডোবি ফটোশপ কিবোর্ড শর্টকাট

common Tools

Sl.ShortcutFunction1VMove2MMarquee tools3LLasso tools4WQuick Selection, Magic Wand5CCrop and Slice Tools6IEyedropper, Color Sampler, Ruler, Note, Count7JSpot Healing Brush, Healing Brush, Patch, Red Eye8BBrush, Pencil, Color Replacement, Mixer Brush9SClone Stamp, Pattern Stamp10YHistory Brush, Art History Brush11EEraser tools12GGradient, Paint Bucket13ODodge, Burn, Sponge14PPen tools15TType tools16APath Selection, Direct Selection17URectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Line, Custom Shape18K3D Tools19N3D Camera Tools20HHand21RRotate View22ZZoom23DDefault colors24XSwitch Foreground and Background colors25QQuick Mask Mode


Sl.ShortcutFunction1Alt-MarqueeDraw Marquee from Center2ShiftAdd to a Selection3AltSubtract from a Selection4Shift-AltIntersection with a Selection5Alt-Drag SelectionMake Copy of Selection w/Move tool6Ctrl-Alt-Drag SelectionMake Copy of Selection when not in Move tool7Arrow KeysMove Selection (in 1-pixel Increments)8Shift-Arrow KeysMove Selection (in 10-pixel Increments)9Ctrl-click on Layer Thumbnail (in Layers panel)Select all Opaque Pixels on Layer10Ctrl-Shift-DRestore Last Selection11Shift-F6Feather Selection12Hold Space while drawing marqueeMove Marquee while drawing selection



এই ব্লগটি থেকে জনপ্রিয় পোস্টগুলি

থাই লটারি কিভাবে খেলবেন

লটারি খেলার সময় কোন সংখ্যাকে গুরুত্ব দেবেন, জেনে নিন

এডোবি ফটোশপ কিবোর্ড শর্টকাট